GERMAN POP LYRICS: Neue Deutsche Härte Part 1

Neue Deutsche Härte (NDH) literally means ‘New German Hardness’. It is a kind of German heavy metal music which emerged in the mid-Nineties, and the best known band in the genre is Rammstein. The vocalists are almost exclusively men with deep voices who sing in German. Earlier German metal bands tended to sing in English, but NDH bands have developed a style of singing in their own language which is very effective in the context of the genre. The name references Neue Deutsche Welle (NDW), the German new wave scene where songs were generally sung auf Deutsch.

The other main aspect of NDH is that the heavy guitars are often combined with electronic elements, and the style is occasionally described as ‘Industrial Metal’ or ‘Tanz Metal’. When Rammstein had some success in the US some people tried to shoehorn them into the ‘Nu Metal’ scene, but I don’t think they really fitted in. In particular NDH tends not to incorporate rap elements.

Oomph! were NDH pioneers, and “Das weiße Licht” comes from their sixth album “Plastik” (1999).

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